Ingolstadt (DE): Fortress city becomes new FORTE CULTURA station in Bavaria

The Bavarian state fortress of Ingolstadt was expanded over five eras to become today's large fortress system. On both sides of the Danube, there are some very well-preserved fortress structures from five centuries, representing the Renaissance fortress, the expansion after the Thirty Years' War, the classicist fortress (rebuilt after being razed by Napoleon) as well as a curtain wall and an outer fortress belt.

One of Ingolstadt's aims in joining is to attract more international attention in cultural tourism.

Furthermore, fortress co-operations in Bavaria, in the border region between Germany and Austria and along the Danube are to be developed and expanded.

Maximilian Schuster, the chairman of the Förderverein Bayerische Landesfestung Ingolstadt e.V., has also become a member. We look forward to working together. (Photo: Gert Schmidbauer)


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