Cooperation in the field of fortified cultural heritage in the Adriatic region;
Sustainable fortress tourism and integration with FORTE CULTURA;
Start of the European Fortress Summer 2023
29-31 March 2023, Šibenik (HR)
Historic fortresses are an extraordinary architectural backdrop for an impressive world of experiences: festivals, culture, art, sport, leisure, recreation, education, games and fun. Every year, many thousands of visitors discover and enjoy the vibrant cultural life and attractive events in fortresses throughout Europe. The European Fortress Cultural Route - FORTE CULTURA takes you into this fascinating world of historic fortifications. Around 50 stops on the cultural route in 10 European countries offer extraordinary experiences for cultural tourists.
Fortress routes in the Adriatic Sea
The congress aims to develop sustainable tourist routes to the cultural heritage of the fortified monuments in the Adriatic region for various target groups, e.g. for young Europeans, people with disabilities or with a view to climate-friendly travelling. In a workshop at the Knin Fortress The aim is to work out how sustainable tourism and integration can be implemented. The workshop is part of the "EFFFORTS Goes Green" initiative.
Around 60 members and guests from 13 countries took part in the FORTE CULTURA Annual Congress 2023 in Šibenik.
Exciting contributions on the topics of sustainable tourism, inclusion and the touristic valorisation of fortresses in the Šibenik-Knin region and Montenegro were on the agenda. Cross-border fortress clusters, e.g. Upper Rhine and Bohemia, presented themselves as European best practices. Ms Remeshylo-Rybchynska from Lviv also provided information on the situation of the cultural heritage of fortresses in Ukraine and how attempts are being made to preserve them from war damage.
Visits to Šibenik, an excursion with a workshop at Knin Fortress, the FORTE CULTURA Annual General Meeting and the opening of the European Fortress Summer 2023 rounded off the event. We would like to thank Fortress of Culture Šibenik for the hospitality and for the great support in organising and running the FORTE CULTURA 2023 annual event. The conference was co-financed by the Croatian Ministry of Culture and Media.
Conference programme (EN)

European Fortress Summer 2023 opens
On 30 March, the participants of the FORTE CULTURA Annual Congress 2023 opened the European Fortress Summer 2023 at St. Michael's Fortress in Šibenik (HR). During the event, the guests formed the letters "EFS" for an aerial photograph. In addition, a special guided tour of St Michael's Fortress was organised and a 3D mapping video show was projected onto the fortress walls.
The European Fortress Summer 2023 will end on 5 October at the EFFORTS Annual Congress in Maastricht (NL), where the EFFORTS Award for the best fortress event of the summer will also be presented.
List of presentations (EN):
- Fortress of Culture Šibenik - European Best Practice for the Sustainable Development of Historic FortificationsMrs Gorana Barišić Bačelić, Fortress of Culture Šibenik (HR)
- St Nicholas Fortress - a UNESCO siteMr. sc. Anita Babačić Ajduk, mag.biol., Director of the Public Institution Nature of Šibenik - Knin County
- Medieval fortification heritage in the Krka National ParkMrs Nella Slavica, dipl. Oecc - Director of the Public Institution Krka National Park
- Cultural heritage in Šibenik-Knin County - rich in diversity and tourism development potentialsMr Krešimir Šakić, Šibenik- Knin County Tourism Board (HR)
- European Cultural Routes in Croatia - Advantages for transnational Ksenija Keča, Libertas International University
- FORTE CULTURA European Cultural Route of Fortified Monuments - Development of sustainable fortress tourism; Tools and methods for FORTE CULTURA stationsMr Dirk Röder, FORTE CULTURA (DE)
- Fortress Clusters Elbe River (CZ-DE) and Bohemian Fortresses (CZ) - Cross-border fortress cooperation along the river Elbe; Development of the FORTE CULTURA cluster Bohemian Fortresses (Prague, Terezín, Josefov, Hradec Kralove, Cheb)Mr Jiri Hofman, Fortified Ideal City Terezín and Fortress Vyšehrad Prague (CZ)
- Fortress Cluster Upper Rhine (DE-FR) - European best practice for cross-border cooperation of fortified monuments and museums; Barrierfree Fortress Town GermersheimMrs Frauke Vos-Firnkes, City and Fortress Museum Germersheim (DE)
- FORTITUDE and Night of Fortresses initiative - Successful cross-border project Croatia - Bosnia Hercegovina - MontenegroMrs Kata Žganjer, Fortress of Culture Šibenik (HR)
- The Fortified Heritage of Boka Kotorska Bay (Montenegro) - developments to date and next stepsMr Ilija Lalosevic, Prof. University of Montene-gro, Faculty of Architecture (ME)
- Fort Mamula Montenegro - Best practice of sustainable restoration and construction worksMrs Katarina Nikolic Krasan, Projector Ltd - Conservation, Architecture, Consulting (ME)
- RECOLOR - Reviving and EnhanCing artwOrks and Land-scapes Of the adRiatic - cross border co-operation Interreg Italy-CroatiaMrs Jelena Žaja, mag.oec., pred., Šibenik University of Applied Sciences
- Ceremony for new FORTE CULTURA members: Fortress Rasnov (RO) and Fort Gorgast (DE)
- Architectural heritage in Ukraine during the war. Fortifications of the Pidhirtsi Castle. European-Ukrainian cooperation for supportMrs Oresta Remeshylo- Rybchynska, Lviv Polytechnic National University (UA)
- EUROPEAN FORTRESS SUMMER - Review 2022 and Night of Fortresses, Outlook 2023, Actionbound App: Mrs Jelena Kölble (DE), FORTE CULTURA / EFFORTS
- EFFORTS Congress 2023, Maastricht (NL) -Introduction of the host of the EFFORTS AGM and Congress in Maastricht (NL), October 2023Mr Gilbert Soeters, City of Maastricht (NL)
- Climate-friendly, energy efficiency; zero-waste events; digital solutions; barrier free fortresses for visitors with special needs / Workshop Sustainable and Green Solution Lab Knin Fortress: Mr Tomáš Jirouch, Fortified Ideal City Josefov (CZ) / FORTE CULTURA
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