Internationale Fachtagung Westwalltag 2024 „Wetterau-Main-Tauber-Stellung“ in Büdingen (DE)

Büdingen Büdingen, Hessen, Deutschland

Jährliche Fachtagung Deutsche Westbefestigungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Westwalltag inkl. Exkursionen Vorläufiges Programm: Am Freitag, den 27. Sept. 2024 treffen sich die Teilnehmer, um Bauwerke des Kalten Krieges im Rhein-Main-Gebiet sowie Bunker der Wetterau-Main-Tauber-Stellung im Bereich Büdingen und die alte Stadtbefestigung von Büdingen zu besichtigen. Am Samstag, den 28. Sept. 2024 werden die Teilnehmer den gesamten Tag […]

EFFORTS Jahreskongress 2024, Šibenik (HR)

Šibenik, St. Johns Fortress Educational Campus Put Tanaje 29, Šibenik, Kroatien (Lokaler Name: Hrvatska)

Sustainable business models for fortifications EFFORTS CONGRES 2024 FOCUS OF INTEREST BE READY FOR THE „UNCONFERENCE FORMAT“: An unconference is a participant-driven meeting format where attendees set the agenda, fostering open discussion, collaboration, and spontaneous idea exchange. It’s ideal for highly knowledgeable participants, offering a dynamic, flexible environment where they can tailor discussions to their […]

FORTMED 2025, Caserta (IT)

The International Conference dedicated to fortifications in the Mediterranean, FORTMED2025, will be held on April 10th, 11th and 12th, 2025 at the University of Campania ‚Luigi Vanvitelli‘, Caserta (Italy), and will be organized by the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design (DADI). The information to participate in the conference and instructions for abstract submission are […]
